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Donation Management
Donation ManagementAugust 16, 2024
Member Management
Member ManagementAugust 16, 2024
Income-Expense Management
Income-Expense ManagementAugust 16, 2024
Scholarship and Sponsorship Management
Scholarship and Sponsorship ManagementAugust 16, 2024
Aid Management
Aid ManagementAugust 16, 2024
Fund Management
August 16, 2024
Fund Management

If you use the Advanced or Platinum package, you can categorize funds and countries, create a detailed fund tree to define activities and expenditures, and generate reports with 14 different report types for any time period you choose.

In Fund Management, you can track all fund movements in real time. You can manage the necessary funds for your activities and projects in the easiest way. You can view the amounts in the funds you have categorized and transfer funds between them.

Additionally, you can perform currency exchanges, inter-project transfers, and ensure automatic transfers of donations received via SMS to the relevant fund or project. You can simplify your fund management further by creating automatic transfer rules.

Sacrifice Organization Management
August 16, 2024
Sacrifice Organization Management

With Sacrifice Organization Management, you can create unlimited periods for sacrificial offerings (adak, aqiqah, and obligatory sacrifices) throughout the year. As you collect sacrifice donations during these periods, you can automatically generate shares, perform country-based quota and cost calculations, and manage cutting and distribution locations with multiple price groups in various currencies.

The shares are listed in groups of seven. You can view the current occupancy rate of the period and the remaining share quantities in real time, and generate detailed reports on the number of shares distributed to countries, categorized by adak, aqiqah, obligatory, conditional donations, unconditional donations, and remaining quota amounts.

You can also view percentage-based reports on detailed parameters such as the distribution of total shares by type, condition, and received bank accounts, and access main reports for comparisons with previous year data and regional cost tracking. Additionally, you can send automatic messages to share holders informing them of the sacrifice cutting based on the country and region through Sacrifice Organization Management.

Procurement Management
August 16, 2024
Procurement Management

With Procurement Management, you can track your purchases of goods and services, manage payments, and archive invoices and other documents. You can manage your product and service items as desired and add detailed product and service information, including package sizes.

You can specify the date and location for the delivery of purchased goods or services. You can add offers and orders related to the procurement. For contracted purchases, you can create and include contracts in approval processes, save them, and archive the relevant documents.

You can create multiple payment requests for a single procurement request, allowing you to quickly process transactions related to regular payments without having to create new requests repeatedly. You can view all payments made to a supplier throughout the year in a single record.

By creating vendor cards for the companies from which you purchase products and services, you can add information such as contact details and bank account information, and build institutional memory.

In Procurement Management, you can view all offers, orders, invoices, contracts, payment requests, and delivery notes related to the vendor cards of registered companies, and list all financial movements related to the accounts.

Meeting Management
August 16, 2024
Meeting Management

You can plan your meetings, record decisions, and share them with participants, while tracking the process until the next meeting. You can set the start date and time of the meeting, add departments or committees you have created, and select your meeting room.

After adding your participants to the planned meeting, you can define your agenda items. You can print out the meeting and evaluate the agendas from the printed document.

In Meeting Management, you can create room reservations for your meetings and manage all your meeting rooms. With the reservation calendar, you can see meetings scheduled in the rooms and easily track them by adding them to your personal calendar. You can add decisions made during the meeting and transfer them to the planned next meeting with the relevant department or committee with a single click. Additionally, you can send SMS and email invitations to your participants regarding the meeting.

CV Management
August 16, 2024
CV Management

With the CV Management module, you can collect resume forms for job applications in one place and easily access individuals with the desired qualifications using filtering methods when needed. You can manage the recruitment processes for positions suitable for your organization through the portal.

You can record interview notes with candidates, upload relevant documents to their resumes, and tag resumes with parameters you have defined. You can also email resumes to individuals you want to share them with. Additionally, each resume contains fields for qualifications, certifications, work experience, and references.

If you purchase a website user account plugin, you can also receive resumes online from your site. In CV Management, you can view reports of resume applications in various date types and list the records.

Approval Processes
August 16, 2024
Approval Processes

You can track approval processes for your tasks through the system, receive notifications when approved, complete your tasks more quickly and easily, and avoid unnecessary paperwork.

Through Portal Plus, you can subject all processes in areas such as purchasing, aid, orphans and students, assignments, projects, financial transactions, payment orders, and aid applications to approval based on the processes you have defined.

You can add various rules to any approval process to ensure it is approved according to the specified conditions. You can customize your approval processes for specific departments or branches. You can set up your processes to receive opinions and advice from experts in the field.